sankaku is a print publication celebrating people and craft.
Each book explores the depths of a single subject, highlighting uncommon narratives at the intersection of culture, design, and community. Our stories begin in Japan, with an eye to the world beyond its borders.
sankaku is a project by ANDERSSON Inc. Our core team is based in Tokyo, Toronto, and Vancouver.
Special thanks to the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry 日本商工会議所 小規模事業者持続化補助金. -
General inquiries:Pitches & submissions: -
Toshiyuki SugaiDavid WangFlorentyna LeowPolly AuyeungStanley SunEileen KaoJet Morita -
Apple Leow, Carina Fushimi, Claire Williamson, Dean Aizawa, Demsky, Grace Lee, Hikari Hida, Hikaru Kusaka, Joshen Chew, Julia Hansson , Justine Wong, Kee Byung-yeun, Kirsty Bouwers, Kumiko Noda, Mia Tillonen, Mike Fu, Mio Yamada, Morishita Camp, Moé Suzuki, Noemi Minami, SHIO, Sam Spicer, Stacy Tan, Stephanie Loh, Stevie Suan, Yeelian Tan, Yi Jun Loh